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Why you should take Java Full Stack training only at Josh
Programming with Python
In this Python programming course, you will gain a solid foundation in programming concepts, including data structures and Object-Oriented Principles. You’ll learn how to write efficient code in Python and build modular software. The course begins with the basics such as variables, data types, and control structures, and gradually moves to more advanced topics such as OOP and design patterns. By the end, you’ll have the skills to develop complex applications in Python.
Hands-on exercises and projects will provide you with practical experience in writing Python programs and applying programming concepts to real-world problems. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer, this course will help you code confidently in Python.
Functions & Data Structures
- Recursion
- Lists and List Methods
- Tuples & Sequences
- Sets & Dictionaries
Object-Oriented Programming
- Classes & Objects in Python
- Attributes & Methods
- Inheritance & Polymorphism
Working with Python Standard Library
Developer Fundamentals
Introduction to OS & Networks
- Overview of OS Concepts
- Networks & Internet
- Network Layer
- Application Layer
Working with command Line
- Files & File System
- Managing System Packages
- Environment Variables
- Network & SSH
Collaborating with Git
- VCS & Git Repositories
- Staging Area & Commits
- Working with Branches
- Issues & Pull Requests
Java Full Stack
Java Fundamentals
Java is a popular programming language that follows the object-oriented programming paradigm. Java applications can be developed for a wide range of platforms, including desktop, web, and mobile. Key concepts of Java include classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
- Data Types, Variables & Operators
- Reading Input & Formatting Output
- Conditions & Loops
- Arrays
- Java Collections
OOP with Java
- Classes & Objects
- Attributes & Methods (Instance, Static, Class)
- Abstraction
- Inheritance
- Public, Private, Protected Scopes
- Encapsulation
- Method Overloading & Overriding
- Interfaces
- Polymorphism
- Generics & Exceptions
- Multi threading
- Important Design Patterns
Backend with Spring Boot
- Overview of Spring Framework
- Building Java Projects with Maven/Gradle
- Building REST APIs with Spring Boot
- Consuming RESTful Web Services
- Working with Relational Data using JDBC
- JPA and Hibernate
- Uploading Files & Validating Form Inputs
- Writing Unit Tests
- Overview of Spring Batch
- Overview of Spring Integration
- Overview of Spring Cloud
- Overview of Spring AOP
Dynamic Web Applications
Introduction to JavaScript
- Data Types Arrays
- Variables Objects
- Basic Operators Control Flow
- Conditionals Comments
- Loops Math Function
- Functions
- Arrays
- Objects
- Control Flow
- Comments
- Math Function
DOM Manipulation
- The JavaScript Console Manipulating Text and Content
- Introduction to the DOM Manipulating Attributes
- De ning the DOM Local Storage
- Select and Manipulate
- Important Selector Methods
- Manipulating Style
- Manipulating Text and Content
- Manipulating Attributes
- Local Storage
- The form element The button element
- The label element
- The input element
- The option element
- The optgroup element
- The button element
- The select element
- The textarea element
- Form validations and Input
- Validations
Course Project
Build Your Matrimony Website by using HTML5, CSS3 and JS
Array Methods
- Adding & Removing Elements
- Push
- unshift
- splice
- pop
- shift
- Finding Elements
- Find
- indexOf
- Concat
Events, Fetch & Callbacks
- How to add Event Listeners
- Callbacks
- Schedulers
- SetTimeout
- ClearTimeout
- SetInterval
- ClearInterval
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- HTTP Requests using Fetch
- HTTP ResponsesHTTP Responses
- Working with JSON data
Course Project
Build a Wikipedia Search Application Using HTML5, CSS3, and JS
Intermediate JavaScript
In this Java Full Stack course, you will learn the concepts like Events, Scope, Hoisting, this, ES6 Classes,
Error handling, More about Objects and how to handle Asynchronous JavaScript
Rest parameters and spread syntax
- Destructuring Arrays
- Destructuring Objects
More Objects
- Constructor Functions
- Factory Functions
- Constructor Method
- New keyword
- This in methods
- Window scope
- This in function declarations
- This in events
- Working with JSON data
Prototypes & ES6 Classes
- Adding & Removing Elements
- Push
- unshift
- splice
- pop
Asynchronous JS
- shift
- Finding Elements
- Find
- indexOf
- Concat
Scope & Hoisting in JavaScript
Array Methods
- Map
- Filter
- Reduce
String Manipulations
- Trim & split Methods
- ToUpperCase & toLowerCase Methods
- Includes Method
Intermediate Responsive Web Design
This Java Full Stack course will help you to develop responsive layouts using CSS Flexbox and CSS Media Queries
CSS Layouting
- CSS Flexbox
- Display
- Ex-direction
- Justify-content
- Align-items
- Ex-wrap
- ex- ow
- Align-content
- Align-self
- Ex-grow
- Ex-shrink
- order
- Sizing Elements
- Over flow
- Box Sizing
- Content Box
- Border Box
CSS Media Queries
- How to add Event Listeners
- Callbacks
- Schedulers
- SetTimeout
- ClearTimeout
- SetInterval
- Media Query
- Media Types
- Media Features
- Width, min-width, max-width
- Height, min-height, max-height
- Orientation
- Combining Multiple Media Features in a single Media Query
- Logical Operators (and)
- Logical Operators (not)
- Logical Operators (,)
React JS – Getting started
Introduction to React JS
- Why React?
- Stateful + Stateless components
- Hello World
- Introducing JSX
- Rendering Elements
- Components and Props
- Handling Events
- Conditional Rendering
- Lists and Keys
- Forms
- Composition vs Inheritance
- Thinking In React
- Styled Components
- Emotion
- Query parameters
- Path parameters
Course Project
Build an Overseas Education Application using React JS
Capstone Project – Build a Social Networking Web App
Tools and Technologies used
- JS
- S3
- Route53
- Cloudfront
- Spring Boot
- Designing & Querying Relational Database